
TRAMA supports the artistic collective {[(ethics)aesthetics]anesthetics},
specializing in immersive exhibitions and experiences based on the concepts of Artvocacy* and Artification*,
working with companies and institutions to transform work into art.

The collective believes that when Ethics and Aesthetics engage in dialogue,
they create virtuous processes that generate awe and wonder:
highly therapeutic and Anesthetic experiences for the human mind, so accustomed to appreciating Beauty.



We use technology and creativity
with ethical and socially responsible purposes.



“I will never cease to wonder”:
this is our mantra.



Immersion in Goodness and Beauty creates
a distraction that can be therapeutic.

From Piece to Masterpiece

We translate social, environmental, and diplomatic causes into art.
We convert messages into works of art . Through our creations, we promote dialogue and understanding, facilitate meeting different perspectives and contexts, and create spaces for sharing and debate.


We sell art and creativity to stimulate reflection and generate action. Art does not merely reproduce reality; it has the power to change it: it is a tool of advocacy. Our projects are not just expressive means but also catalysts of action. They depict concepts and thoughts, transforming them into symbols and stimuli that lead to awareness and guide decision-making. We offer artistic solutions that evoke deep emotional reactions, generating tangible changes in the perception of reality.


We transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. Art serves excellence: because every work of ingenuity can be elevated to a work of art through a process of artification. By challenging traditional perceptions and artistic conventions, we reinterpret everyday objects, materials, and concepts, creating immersive experiences to intensify the emotional impact on the observer and make the reflection on the themes expressed in our works more enduring.


La nostra Ispirazione.

Le piante consumano pochissima energia, hanno un’architettura modulare, un’intelligenza distribuita e nessun centro di comando:
quale migliore ispirazione! [cit. Stefano Mancuso]

We believe in energy and inspiration of important meetings, don’t you?


Creativity for Brands and Institutions to Inspire Change


P l a y n d i s p l a y s

Integrated Solutions for Immersive Installations


Mediatrama S.r.l.

via Roberto Schumann, 16 – 35132 Padova, Italy